

Surgical removal of clouded lenses to restore clear vision.


Diagnosis and management of high eye pressure to prevent vision loss.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Specialized care for diabetes-related retinal damage to preserve vision.

Neuropathy Ophthalmology

Treats eye disorders linked to nerve damage for better visual function.

Pediatric Ophthalmology

Comprehensive eye care for children’s visual development and disorders.

Pterygium Surgery

Advanced procedures to address corneal and anterior eye segment issues.

YAG Laser

Non-invasive laser treatment for secondary cataract and other eye conditions.

Refractive Services and Opticals

Correction of vision errors with glasses, lenses, or laser treatment.

Contact Lens Clinic

Expert consultation and fitting for contact lenses to ensure comfort and clear vision.

Retina Injection

Targeted injections to treat retinal diseases and prevent vision deterioration.

OCT-Retina Scan

Detailed imaging of the retina for accurate diagnosis and monitoring.

LID Surgeries

Corrective surgeries for eyelid issues, enhancing both function and appearance.

Optical Biometry

Accurate eye measurements for customized lens implants and better surgical outcomes.